Burns, Wil, David Dana, and Simon Nicholson, eds. Climate Geoengineering Law and Governance. Under contract with Springer, delivery early 2018.
Burns, Wil, and Simon Nicholson. “The Sunshade Dilemma: How a Focus on Solar Radiation Management has Distorted Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Removal Technologies,” in preparation for Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences.
Nicholson, Simon, and Michael Thompson. “Strange Bedfellows: Climate Engineering Politics in the United States,” in Jason Blackstock et al. (eds.), Published as a working paper in Geoengineering Our Climate, (Routledge, forthcoming 2017)
Jinnah, Sikina, and Douglas Bushey. “Bringing Politics into SAI.” Ethics & International Affairs 31, no. 4 (2017): 501–6.
Parson, Edward A., Jay Apt, Alan Robock, Peter C. Frumhoff, Jennie C. Stephens, Rose Cairns, Holly Jean Buck et al. “Climate engineering.” (2017): 5-18.
Burns, Wil, and Simon Nicholson. “14 Governing Climate Engineering.” New earth politics: essays from the anthropocene (2016): 343.
Burns, Wil, and Simon Nicholson. “Climate Engineering: Governing Emergency Responses on a New Earth,” in Simon Nicholson and Sikina Jinnah (eds.), New Earth Politics. MIT Press, 2016.
Luwesi, Cush Ngonzo, Dzigbodi Adzo Doke, and David R. Morrow. “solar Geoengineering.” Climate Justice and Geoengineering: Ethics and Policy in the Atmospheric Anthropocene (2016): 161.
Nicholson, Simon. “Reimagining Climate Engineering: The Politics of Tinkering with the Sky,” in Hilal Elver and Paul Wapner (eds.), Reimagining Climate Change, (Routledge, 2016) pp. 110-130.
Buck, Holly Jean. “Climate engineering: Spectacle, tragedy or solution? A content analysis of news media framing.” Deconstructing the Greenhouse: Interpretative Approaches to Global Climate Governance. Routledge, London (2013).
Burns, Wil CG, and Andrew L. Strauss, eds. Climate change geoengineering: Philosophical perspectives, legal issues, and governance frameworks. Cambridge University Press, 2013.
Morrow, David R., Robert E. Kopp, and Michael Oppenheimer. “Political legitimacy in decisions about experiments in solar radiation management.” In Wil CG Burns and Andrew L. Strauss (eds.), Climate change geoengineering: Philosophical perspectives, legal issues, and governance frameworks. Cambridge University Press, 2013. (2013).
Buck, H. J. “Climate Remediation to Address Social Development Challenges. Going Beyond Cost-Benefit and Risk Approaches to Assessing Solar Radiation Management.” Engineering the Climate: The Ethics of Solar Radiation Management. Plymouth: Lexington Books (2012): 133-148.
Buck, Holly Jean. “Geoengineering: Re‐making Climate for Profit or Humanitarian Intervention?.” Development and Change 43, no. 1 (2012): 253-270.