
Commentary, NGO and Policy Engagement, Solar Radiation Management

Dr. Shuchi Talati Joins FCEA

CDR vs SRM, Commentary, Governance, Solar Radiation Management

On Twine, space mirrors, and the joys of making pointless shit

Commentary, Uncategorized

Geoengineering on the Agenda at the United Nations Environment Assembly

Commentary, Governance, Solar Radiation Management

India Should Demand International, Political Oversight for Geoengineering R&D

Carbon Dioxide Removal, Commentary, Solar Radiation Management

Reflections on the IPCC special report on pathways to and impacts of 1.5ºC

Commentary, Politics, Public Perception, Solar Radiation Management

Power and Responsibility in a Broken World


What has social science research on the public perception of climate engineering done? And what can it do? – Holly Jean Buck

Carbon Dioxide Removal, Commentary, Governance, Solar Radiation Management, Understanding Negative Emissions Technologies

Commentary: A response to Wil Burns: Common Misunderstandings About SRM Geoengineering

Commentary, Education

Commentary: Can a Philosopher and a Scientist Co-teach a Class on Climate Engineering? – Thomas Ackerman & Stephen Gardiner

Carbon Dioxide Removal, Commentary, Governance, Solar Radiation Management, Understanding Negative Emissions Technologies

Commentary: A Response to “Five Solar Geoengineering Tropes That Have Outstayed Their Welcome” – Wil Burns

Carbon Dioxide Removal, CDR vs SRM, Commentary, Governance, Solar Radiation Management, Understanding Negative Emissions Technologies

Why We Should Treat SRM and CDR Separately – Joshua B. Horton


Discussion of Climate Engineering in Social Science Literature: Technofix, Plan B or Ultima Ratio – Judith Kreuter


Responses to N.A.S. Climate Intervention reports


A Role for Human Rights in the Climate Engineering Debate? – Brian Citro

Commentary, Uncategorized

Energy and Climate Justice: Two sides of the Same Coin – Kartikeya Singh


Thinking Well in a Desperate Situation: Pride, Sloth, and Metaphors – Guest Post- Laura M. Hartman, Augustana College


The Relevance of Ethics for Geoengineering Research – Guest Post – Toby Svoboda, Fairfield University


Can Geoengineering save small holder farmers from adjuncts of climate change in Uganda? – Guest Post- Morrison Rwakakamba, Agency for Transformation

Commentary, Governance

Contested Spaces: An Opening to Geoengineer the Planet? – Guest Post – Tina Sikka, Simon Fraser University


Religious discourse can clarify & deepen moral arguments about geoengineering – Guest Post – Kevin J. O’Brien & Forrest Clingerman